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Advice for lack of discipline

“If you lack discipline, open this”

Psychology Thread

  1. Choose a Goal

Begin by choosing just one goal that you want to focus on to develop your self-discipline.

Remember, starting small is the best way to start developing your self-discipline.

  1. Nutrition, Sleep and Exercise Are Key

If you are trying to improve your self discipline and you’re not getting enough sleep, healthy food and exercise, you’re fighting an uphill battle.

If you do the above, you’ll have more energy and an overall positive attitude.

  1. It’s About the Habit, Not the Outcome

Rather than saying “I want to lose weight” say “I want to walk at least 10,000 steps per day.”

“Losing weight” is something difficult to pin down.

Walking 10,000 steps per day is something concrete that you can track and measure.

  1. Time flies

Take a close look at where you are spending your time and energy.

The average adult spends five hours per day looking at their smartphone.

With this in mind, NOT constantly scrolling through social media on your phone can make a huge difference in your day.

  1. You Don’t Need Permission From Anyone

Building self discipline means that you will need to learn how to find that approval within yourself.

Once we let go of this need for approval from others, we are free to follow our goals and work on what is important to us.

  1. Be Nice to Yourself

Change is hard. New habits are hard.

Our minds are wired for familiarity and if you’re doing something new, part of you is going to be fighting against it.

Don’t allow obstacles to cause you to give up on your bigger vision or goal.

  1. Just one pushup

Do one pushup, once you get started you’ll end up doing more.

It works for self discipline in any area.

Don’t worry if the goal you set for yourself is easy - that’s the point.

The key is to choose something that is so easy that you can’t say no.

  1. Punch the Clock

You will have good days and bad days, but what matters is that you show up.

There will be some mornings where you feel tired and you won’t have your best workout ever.

It’s still incredibly important to follow through and go to the gym anyways.

  1. You live your life on auto pilot because you don’t know what to do with your life.

Get “Live Intentionally” and become;

• Motivated • Disciplined • Your best self • Self-confident

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