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Advice for lack of discipline

“If you lack discipline, open this”

Psychology Thread

  1. Choose a Goal

Begin by choosing just one goal that you want to focus on to develop your self-discipline.

Remember, starting small is the best way to start developing your self-discipline.

  1. Nutrition, Sleep and Exercise Are Key

If you are trying to improve your self discipline and you’re not getting enough sleep, healthy food and exercise, you’re fighting an uphill battle.

Advice from ArtOfLife_

“Overthinkers”, open this:

• You’re loved, someone out there loves you more than you think.

• Your anxiety will tell you the worst case scenario. It’s a damn liar!

• You mean so much to your friends and family, they may not say it as often but they really do love you.

• You’ve already survived things you didn’t think you’d survive.

• You’re strong and you can get through everything one step at a time.

Advice from LongShortHC

Had a DM question asking for advice for a brand new analyst working at a pod shop. Noodled on it, and figured I would share the thoughts broadly in case helpful. I am far from the most tenured and successful pod PM - spent 4 years as a PM at combo of D.E. Shaw (not a pod)…

Citadel/Aptigon and Schonfeld, over which time I hired/employed/trained a dozen or so analysts. (And then threw up two middle fingers and retired…more on that later). So I’m by no means the absolute authority on pods. But here is my advice: